• A. Nurbayev Gulistan State University
Keywords: Galilean space, main curvature, second-order surfaces, surface indicator.


By means of a special choice of coordinate lines of the surface in four-dimensional Galilean space, the first and second quadratic shape of the surface is defined.
It has been proved that the second-order surface equation in three-dimensional space can be converted to a canonical form by means of a special transformation, which is the rotation of the coordinate axes of three-dimensional Galilean space. Furthermore, the transformation matrix is an element of the Heisenberg group that is neither symmetric nor orthogonal.
In four-dimensional space R41 - the concept of a surface indicator is introduced and the main curvature of the surface is defined.

Author Biography

A. Nurbayev , Gulistan State University

Professor of the Mathematics Department


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How to Cite
Nurbayev , A. 2021. “THEORY OF SURFACES IN FOUR-DIMENSIONAL GALILEAN SPACE ”. EurasianUnionScientists, December, 35-39.