• Davron Rustamovich Norchaev Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
  • Jaloliddin Rustamovich Norchaev Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
  • Bakhtiyor Saparboevich Khusainov Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
Keywords: Motoblock, potato digger, potatoes, frame, landing, speed.


The article presents the problems of mechanization of work in small-contour areas for cultivation vegetable crops and potatoes, a general view of the potato digger and its agrotechnical indicators. In the world mechanization of potato harvesting is being introduced with the help of potato harvesters, which allow reduce labor costs by 3-5 times. Due to soil and climatic features (high summer temperature, low relative humidity, soil compaction after irrigation) potato harvesters are not widely used in the Republic of Uzbekistan.Therefore, the harvest potatoes are harvested with the participation of numerous pickers for manual selection of tubers and loaders. Therefore, research is required to develop a more efficient cleaning method. tubers, providing the required quality of work at lower energy costs and greater performance. To solve this problem, an energy-saving potato digger has been developed, reducing loss and damage to potato tubers.

Author Biographies

Davron Rustamovich Norchaev, Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Jaloliddin Rustamovich Norchaev, Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Bakhtiyor Saparboevich Khusainov, Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization
Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Norchaev, Davron Rustamovich, Jaloliddin Rustamovich Norchaev, and Bakhtiyor Saparboevich Khusainov. 2023. “TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT FOR CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES AND POTATOES K MOTOBLOKU AND RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES”. EurasianUnionScientists, January, 10-14.