Based on the test report of the heat generator by A. Rossi (2011, Lugano), the authors calculated that the
summa of nuclear energy had been generated by the heat generator for 30 days exeeded 2900 MJ . To improve the
operational characteristics of the device, it is proposed to use a high-frequency generator to heat the reacting
mixture. The use of titanium instead of nickel in the heat generator can also be useful. An experiment was carried
out in during which a nuclear reaction in a mixture of 5 g of nickel and 0.5 g of lithium aluminum hydride was
initiated by heating in a household microwave oven. Gamma analysis of the mixture after it had cooled revealed
the presence of a number of short-lived nuclides including 46K (half-life 1.75 min.), 91mMo (half-life 1.077 min.),
168mLu (half-life 6.70 min.). At the moment of start of measurements, the activity of these nuclides ranged from
0.5 to 1 Bq
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