• M.G Krukovich Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
  • A.D. Fedotova Russian University of Transport (MIIT),
Keywords: nitriding, low-carbon steels, gas-baric process of low-temperature, containers, α-solid solution of nitrogen, nitrides, hardness, wear resistance, compressive stresses.


The paper considers a little studied process of low-temperature gas-baric nitriding in closed containers
without the use of ammonia. The processing process is environmentally friendly and energy-saving. The example
of steel 20 shows the efficiency of processing low-carbon and low-alloy steels of the ferrite-pearlitic class. The
resulting layers based on α-solid solution have a higher growth rate than in other of low-temperature gas nitriding
processes. The kinetics of the processing process and the wear resistance of the resulting layers were studied on a
Skoda-Savina type machine. An increase in the hardness of nitrided specimens (by 3–4 times), wear resistance (by
4–9 times), combined with the formation of compressive residual stresses on the surface, will also increase the
performance of machined parts.


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How to Cite
Krukovich, M.G, and A.D. Fedotova. 2022. “STUDYING THE PROPERTIES OF STEEL 20 AFTER LOW-TEMPERATURE GAS-BARIC NITRIDING”. EurasianUnionScientists, July, 03-07.