Pollution of the biosphere, including water supply sources, is a real factor that has a negative impact on human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every tenth person in the world suffers from the use of poor-quality drinking water. Significant pollution of water bodies and ineffective water treatment technologies are the main reasons for the poor quality of drinking water. More than 90% of wastewater entering surface water bodies through utilities is discharged contaminated.
In recent years, when requirements for the quality of drinking water and industrial wastewater have been imposed, the solution of environmental problems has come to the fore.
It is known that in many countries, carbon adsorbents are used as filtering materials for purification and softening of effluents, as well as for purification of drinking water, which absorb harmful and toxic impurities well.
The most common methods for producing carbon sorbents are those involving the preparation of carboncontaining raw materials of various nature, carbonization and activation. The choice of raw materials, a change in the conditions for the implementation of carbonization and activation lead to the production of coals of various porous structures with a different set of sorption properties. One of the raw materials used to obtain carbon sorbents is fossil coals - from anthracites to brown coals.
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