When designing and implementing BIM technologies, it is of particular importance to take into account fire safety requirements to eliminate errors in the decisions made, as well as for safe operation in the future. This topic is very relevant today and the need for compliance with fire safety requirements is very high. To solve these problems, the use of modern software products, such as Autodesk Revit, can play a huge role.
The use of such programs makes it possible to significantly speed up the design process of all systems of the building under construction, as well as to develop an information model in detail, which will allow an objective assessment of accidents and provide objective information about them. These technologies make it possible to fully design buildings and structures, having calculated all the processes, to provide the most effective solutions at all stages of the project, which reduces costs and reduces the time of commissioning of the object. The article reveals the concept of BIM technologies, their main advantages, and application experience.
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