• A. Vorotyncev FRC IU RAS, Moscow
Keywords: distribution of photosynthetic assimilates, growth functions, productivity optimization of agrocenosis, plant physiology, agrocenosis, simulation


A mathematical model for optimizing the growth and development of plant cover is investigated. For constant environmental parameters (humidity, soil and plant temperature), a balanced optimal distribution of photosynthetic assimilates was found by the choice of growth functions and the ratio of leaf and root biomass in explicit general terms, maximizing its reproductive biomass at the end of 3 phases of growth and development of plant cover. The expressions obtained are meaningfully interpreted and can be considered as the basis for an adaptive model of plant productivity and moisture transfer in soil in a constant or slowly changing environment.

Author Biography

A. Vorotyncev, FRC IU RAS, Moscow

Cand. phys.-mat. sciences


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How to Cite
Vorotyncev, A. 2021. “TO CONSTRUCTING AN ADAPTIVE COVER MODEL”. EurasianUnionScientists, November, 47-53.