The problem of determining the features of the development of blurred phase transitions observed under conditions of dynamic superplasticity of aluminum alloys is solved using the specific heat capacity function. Within the framework of the developed model representations, the deformation mechanisms characteristic of superplasticity and boundary metastable states are analyzed using the Fokker-Planck equation. Using a macrokinetic model, an explicit expression is obtained for the function that characterizes the mechanism of grain boundary slippage (the “drift " coefficient) that prevails in superplasticity. By integrating the differential equations resulting from the model, the solution of which establishes the type of functions responsible for the implementation of the mechanisms of grain boundary slippage and diffusion processes. It is proposed that the diffusion coefficient is responsible for the accumulation of irreversible deformations outside the velocity range of superplasticity. The function responsible for the effects of grain boundary slippage (the "drift" coefficient) is particularly active towards the middle of the superplasticity velocity interval. It is confirmed that outside the velocity range of superplasticity, there is a redistribution of mass transfer forms, the responsibility for which is assigned to the diffusion coefficient. It is shown that the diffusion function shows a tendency to decrease when approaching the range of superplasticity rates. Metastable states are characterized by the competition of diffusion mechanisms and grain boundary slippage.
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