Goal: Consider the issue of the requirement for the upper structure of the track on high-speed railways in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Methods: For reliable operation, the rails must be sufficiently strong, durable, wearresistant, hard and at the same time not fragile, since they perceive the shock-dynamic load. The material for the rails is high-strength carbon steel. Results: One of the main features of a continuous welded track is that wellfixed rail strings cannot change their length when the temperature rises or falls. Because of this, significant longitudinal tensile or compressive forces arise in them, which in hot weather can lead to the ejection of the path to the side, and in severe frost - to a fracture of the lash with the formation of a dangerous gap. Practical significance: An analysis from an experimental study shows the use of a continuous-welded track is especially effective on sections of high-speed train traffic, where increased requirements are imposed on the upper structure of the track. Particular attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of wavy wear of the rolling surface of the rails, which is eliminated by grinding them with special rail-grinding trains. The developed techniques can be recommended for practical use.
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