• R. Akhmedova Makhachkala branch of Moscow automobile and road state technical University (MADI)
  • D. Selimkhanov Dagestan State University of National Economy, Makhachkala.
  • A. Abdullayev Dagestan State University of National Economy, Makhachkala.
Keywords: Road and climate zoning, zoning, road zone, subzone, road area, terrain, natural belts (landscapes), slope exposure, water and heat regime.


The article presents the principles of road-climatic zoning of any mountain region. Only in each specific case, depending on the location of the area in latitude, the type of vertical natural belts, it is necessary to specify the boundaries of road and climatic zones in height.

The above proposals for assigning certain areas of the territory of the republic to a particular natural and climatic zone do not apply to those areas where there is a continuous occurrence of stony or stony soils in the upper layers.

For such sections, an individual approach to the design of road structures should be applied in each specific case.

Road-climatic zoning is the most effective way to refine the characteristics of soils, providing a significant improvement in the quality of design and construction of the roadbed.

Author Biographies

R. Akhmedova , Makhachkala branch of Moscow automobile and road state technical University (MADI)

Cand. of Tech. Sci., Ass. Prof. of the Department «Highways and airfields»

D. Selimkhanov , Dagestan State University of National Economy, Makhachkala.

Cand. of Tech. Sci., Ass. Prof. of the Department «Land Management and cadastres»

A. Abdullayev , Dagestan State University of National Economy, Makhachkala.

Cand. of Tech. Sci., senior lecturer of the Department «Land Management and cadastres»


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How to Cite
Akhmedova , R., D. Selimkhanov, and A. Abdullayev. 2021. “ON THE ISSUE OF ROAD AND CLIMATE ZONING OF THE REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN ”. EurasianUnionScientists, May, 9-14. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.1.85.1321.